If Gov'nor Udom had died at Reigners' Church Collapse - Sirealsilver

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If Gov'nor Udom had died at Reigners' Church Collapse

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, standing
By Joseph Atainyang
December 10, 2016 has become a big date in the history of Akwa Ibom State. It is a date many shall, in future hold at heart as a day of sorrow. As saddening as sadness as it was, the experience of Church collapse of the Reigners Bible Church will remain eternal in the hearts of man. It shall be there just as fresh as instant wound, and pains and lament shall abide.

This Sunday, December 10, 2017 marks the first anniversary of the 'Doom's Day Conspiracy' which some human forces brought to us. It marks exactly one year as the black Saturday of December 10, 2016 was engraved in our minds. We shall stay alive and reflect on this wanton loss of precious human souls, as innocent as a day-old-baby as they were. We shall mourn and eternally weep on this day. But yet, we shall thank the God of heaven and of earth who saved our state from a height of divine fury, for it was the day our Governor escaped death.
Twisting history is not an achievement. Twisting facts and figures of events and happenings in our state is no gain. Even if the whole world perished in that mortal drain, it seems to me that people would still lie, telling their lies and getting their rewards. Of course, nothing is new under the sun. Even some folks had long in other ages been paid fat sum of money to tell lies that Jesus did not resurrect but that his corpse was 'stolen' at night by his disciples.
Joseph Atainyang was in shock. Of course, not lonely was he on this path, many were. And so, dumbfounded he became until the magic season came and gone. He told no story of the crime, though he heard all stories from all wings. He boxed himself to a corner weeping for the loss of countless innocent souls. But sure, the gloom had it's taint of joyous mood, he was thanking God for his Deacon Governor, for the story, at least would not be the same, had the first citizen got pinned.
It was the Bishopric enthronement of the Founder and General Overseer of the Reigners Bible Church, Apostle Akan Weeks. That sullen Saturday was a sad day. A day rejected in history, but a day much valued in memory. It came with a smile, very innocently gentle. There was no sun in the sky. It was as moody as a monody. The dirge was being rehearsed in the junction of melancholy, and happiness was subdued by sorrow.
Just about past 11 in the morning, some gory shots started filtering into the social media space. We were told of the Church collapse and that the Governor, Deacon Udom Gabriel Emmanuel was there. It sounded first like a lie, but when repeated post kept flickering, it was unfortunately very true. People rushed to contact their known and loved ones who had prepared to attend the event. Once they could hear them on phone, they took their deep breathe.
Innocent souls died like ants. Prominent people lost their lives. The academia was greatly affected. The old, the young and the infant were equally trapped. Many have come to say that the Reigners' Church collapse was a harvest of blood. Choristers sang and went away. Some university students were drained in the bloody encounter and parents became childless while children became orphans.
Some of my colleagues at the event became casualties at heightened proportions. One actually belonged in the long list of instant travellers who met the Lord in the air. Some were rushed for treatment and actually survived. But sadness became a king in the Land of Promise. Sorrow enveloped the atmosphere. Squeezed and mutilated bodies of children were packed into vans for disposal. The Land of promise became the land of horror. Yet, a rescue mission by the Akwa Ibom State Government actually yielded positively as many lives were resuscitated.
Condolences rang like melodious tune. It came from President Muhammadu Buhari, the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. It came from relevant agencies and personalities within and outside the country. It reminded me of the horror that slaughtered millions of human lives in Hiroshima, when the nuclear weapons got launched during the world wars. Lives and property got evenly disposed.
Upon what initially seemed unknown, the Governor of Akwa Ibom State who was himself an eyewitness of the gory incident, set up a commission of inquiry to investigate the situation. The commission chaired by retired Justice Umoekoyo Essang, had as members, the Nigeria Society of Engineers, Akwa Ibom State chapter, representatives of the Police and other stakeholders in the building industry as well as the religious bodies. Other members of the commission were: Mr James Utiaruk, Essien Nkanga, Rev. John Linus, Engr. Asuquo Okon, Engr. James Amiang, ACP Abiobo and Secretary of the Commission, Emem Daniel.
During investigations which were witnessed by members of the media, it was discovered that the Uyo Capital City Development Agency (UCCDA) had marked ‘stop work’ severally on the Reigners Church on-construction auditorium. But unfortunately, the General Overseer, Mr. Akan Weeks has allegedly bribed the agency with N100,000. We were told how Mr. Weeks, in a bid to create additional space to accommodate guests at the event, reportedly ordered the removal of the central scaffold which the roof hitherto rested on.
We were also told by UCCDA that the state government did not provide funds, security and equipments for demolition of structures on Uyo Village Road. This on its own had been a good defense for the agency against any accusation of gross irresponsibility. Of course, the state government cannot be faulted as having been in connivance with the Church authority simply because it did not provide the necessary funding for the demolition of the structure. This is so because it could be said that demolition is always periodically carried out and with specific targets. But this too is not a factor for total extrication.
The commission however submitted its report to the state government in Uyo, eight months after it was instituted. Governor Udom Emmanuel, while receiving the report from the Chairman of the commission, Justice Umoekoyo Esang(rtd), stated his readiness to implement the recommendations in the report.
Although Civil Liberties Organisation, CLO, Akwa Ibom chapter, had long raised alarm, alleging cover up by the state government and asking for families of victims to be properly compensated, it seems the state government is yet to be concerned with the cries of the people.
CLO, which represented the family of victims at the commission, frowned at government’s failure to make the report public, alleging compromise on the part of government and the commission.
Addressing reporters on the matter recently in Uyo, the CLO Chairman in the state, Mr Clifford Thomas, expressed worry at the continued delay by government in making the findings of the commission public.

Five months after submission of findings by the commission, Akwa Ibom people and indeed Nigerians are still hopelessly being expectant of that document from the strong hidden grip by the State government. Apart from refusing the publicity of the content of the report, the Udom Emmanuel administration has not implemented the recommendations as may have been handed down by the commission.
Again, everyone is conscious of the fact that only about 24 people were officially declared dead by the Akwa Ibom State government as a result of that unfortunate incident. But media reports have held that no fewer than 200 people had lost their lives. Many have become pensive at the stance by government as it appeared to have deliberately deceived the people.
Consequently, there has been rising tension of suspicion towards the activities of government to kill public interest as to the true situation of the report. Many are of the opinion that officials of government should rather show some degree of responsibility by making the report and recommendations of the commission a public document. This way, followers of that mishap want to affirm to the fact that the Udom Emmanuel led administration is truly a transparent one, doing everything to show its self-preached stance as always being on the side of the people.
Definitely, people will not want to quickly forget that Governor Udom Emmanuel was also a fortunate casualty at the disaster. While hundreds may have lost their precious lives, the Governor was divinely rescued. Even though there had been arguments that a certain personal aide of his (Governor Udom Emmanuel) had dealt a brave but suicidal gallantry by pushing the Governor out of a descending iron beam that eventually killed him, many had argued still on the contrary. To this writer, who was, at the time of the catastrophe, celebrating his professional Award as NUJ Reporter of the Year 2016, whether the pinned Governor's aide had been instrumental to his safety or not, it was still the will of God that Udom Emmanuel be safe.
Commissioners, Special Advisers and even Members of the Akwa Ibom State House of Assembly were equally affected. Some of them spent about three weeks or more in the now closed down Ibom Specialist Hospital. The Information Commissioner, Mr Charles Udoh; the Press Secretary to the Governor, Mr. Ekerette Udo and many others were mercilessly engrossed in the disaster. But God saved them all. Above all, God saved the life of Governor Udom Gabriel Emmanuel.
Even his wife, Martha was haunted in a similar event the following week in an outing in Lagos State. A closed person equally told this reporter of his revelations about the Governor which was all in the negative. But in all consideration, one gets to understand that it was only the Supreme God that saved the Governor from being an unfortunate victim of that collapse.
However, while many are still asking what may have caused the delay by government in publishing the report of the commission five months after, together with the fact that today, Sunday 10th December, 2017 marks exactly a year after the horrible experience, this writer has refused to ask the apparent questions connecting Bishop Akan Weeks with the Governor. He is rather thanking God that his very own State Governor, Udom Gabriel Emmanuel did not die at that historic scene. This is because, if Udom Emmanuel had died at Reigners Church collapse, the story would certainly not be the same.
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Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, standing

Joseph Atainyang is a journalist and public affairs commentator. Gsm: 07036964637

If Gov'nor Udom had died at Reigners' Church Collapse Reviewed by sirealsilver on December 10, 2017 Rating: 5 By Joseph Atainyang December 10, 2016 has become a big date in the history of Akwa Ibom State. It is a date many shall, in future hold ...

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