WILD CAT (PART 12) This is the perfect time to put her in her place, I thought - Sirealsilver

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WILD CAT (PART 12) This is the perfect time to put her in her place, I thought

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Now, the problem is not Dani's past, But her present lifestyle.

Anyone could have an unsavoury past, But what's important is to realise your foolishness and change your ways.

Her notoriety and promiscuity was on the lips of almost everyone in Porthacourt.
She had a good husband, beautiful children, a life some women would kill for, but she chose to disgrace herself all over the place..

She thought she was enjoying life.
She once bragged while in a catfight with another woman how she could have any man she wanted including her husband at the snap of her fingers.

I only felt pity for her husband and children. Especially when we run into each other in town or at social events and church gatherings.

It was very humiliating. I was surprised at how the man never suspected a thing. He would still hold her hands, hug her close, even pack and kiss her in public whenever he was in town.

It's a good thing he spent most of his time in Europe, though some people were of the opinion that his long absences may have contributed to her wayward ways.
But what do I know?

The silence when they walked into a place, the jeers, the sneers. It was just crazy.

I often marvel at the irony of life.
How we both ended up with the same circle of friends and acquaintances, yet our paths were so different.
We reached the sane destination, but by different means.
Hmmmm. Life is indeed, a mystery.

Like meeting at functions involving the ministry if health, ministry of sports and youth, the Anglican Church conventions and the likes.
Five years on, I had started working at a general hospital, hubby had moved up the ladder at his place of work as well.

Chioma, our daughter is growing fast but I couldn't give her a younger brother or sister.
She keeps asking when she'll get a baby and everytime she asks, my heart tightens and my throat gets lumpy.
Secondary infertility is real.
Myself and Chuks have been going for tests and treatments, we've been praying too and we are hopeful.
Let me not bore you with the details, trust me, infertility is a difficult road to walk.
Whether secondary or primary.
Did I tell you that Toba is in town?
Yes, he makes sure he comes home every three months. He does that without fail. He loves his family.
That's why it hurts so much that Dani is doing all this.

So, he and Chuks met up and he insisted we come over for dinner.
He has been trying to get us all together for almost five years now, But I always manage to slip away. He comes to our house sometimes and Chuks too goes to theirs, But both families have never socialised fully.
Not for lack of trying, but I always had one excuse or another. It seemed my luck had finally run out.

"Toba is beginning to suspect there's more to you not wanting to socialise with his family." Chuks brings up the subject again.

"I don't want a situation where he will sense some kind of coldness between Dani and I. I just can't seem to find a way to relate with her. 

She is still proud and haughty on top of her philandering which I've made up my mind to overlook since its her body not mine. But the arrogance?"

"I understand you, But a few hours won't kill you."

"Has she addressed you before? The last time we met at the women's summit, she looked at my handbag and told me she had the original. 

Like, even if mine is fake, who cares? And the way she asked why me, "Mother Theresa" hasn't given my husband another baby, as if she made hers."

Chuks come over to meet me as I clean my face in front of the dresser and holds me. I'm at the point of tears now.

" I know, I know, but her husband is such a nice person. But I'd appreciate it if we could just go this once. 

Please honey, for my sake, for Toba's sake."

I eventually agreed but insisted we meet at a neutral place, not their home.

Eventually, we met at a restaurant hubby and I frequent.

"Good evening Drs." The security guard greets us as hubby and I step in.

"Good evening Mr. Odili." We respond.

Dani and her husband were already seated at our table.

We exchange pleasantries.
No sooner had we taken our seats that Dani started rambling about how she and her children would be joining her husband in Europe later in the year. It was a done deal, the embassy had no choice but to give them visas, blablala.

This is the perfect time to put her in her place, I thought.
I was about to tell her what a beautiful continent Europe is, especially London and Paris. Both cities my family had been to several times in the last four years.

But Chuks shot me a warning look. I kept my cool and endured dinner.

"So, when would you be coming back to Nigeria once you leave?" I asked.

"We are going permanently. Nigeria is just too hot, bad roads, bad healthcare and bad educational systems. 

I've had enough. I can't wait to leave this God forsaken place."

Even her husband was irritated.

"Dani. It's not that bad." Toba said with a cold look.

She kept quiet after that.
I had the misfortune of being on duty and being assigned Dani's file when she and her children had to run some tests in relation to their travelling.
It was during her checks I knew they were going to Switzerland as I had never asked my husband nor shown interest in anything that had to do with her and her family.

"We're not going to just any country you know? We are going to Switzerland." She says as if I should be impressed.

"Wow, that's great. It's a beautiful country." I chipped. I was glad Chuks wasn't there to caution me. You wanna brag, bring it on.

She smiles haughtily, "As if you know the place, are you saying that because of what you've seen in the movies?"

"Actually, there was a symposium organised by W.H.O for female doctors three months ago. Yes, I remember now, I left a week after our dinner outing. It was held in Switzerland." I said all this without raising my head from the file I was filling.
But I was stealing glances at her.

Oh! The look on her face was everything. I wish I could take a picture. I would have gladly framed it and put in my room so I could wake up to see it every single day.
If only to remind me how far God has brought me, not that I needed reminding anyway.

"Oh. That's ok. I'm sure we would visit so many other European countries as well." She responds as soon as she recovers.

"Hmm. Paris should be first on your list. It is indeed the city of love." I enlighten her.

At this point, she knows better than to ask again if I'd been there.

"We'll see." She manages.

And that was the last I saw of her, until seven months later.

All rights reserved 

Written By Tolulope Fakayode-Faniran

WILD CAT (PART 12) This is the perfect time to put her in her place, I thought Reviewed by sirealsilver on June 14, 2017 Rating: 5 Now, the problem is not Dani's past, But her present lifestyle. Anyone could have an unsavoury past, But what's important is t...

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