“There’s no need despising the cocoyam but opt to planting the root.”
There is one funny, annoying and thought-provoking trend in the local media that quips my imagination.
The pseudo-boldness, insulting, spew journalism and incessant attack on the amiable personality of Mr Emmanuel, Governor of Akwa Ibom State, gives a thorough cause for concern not only by his media managers, but extension those holding strategic political appointments.
The media managers who hold his brief will have a smooth sail only when other appointees take it endearing in their sincere heart, conscience and mind, to protect the image of their boss.
Aside the Udom Emmanuel administration, previous state administrations since the advent of democratic governance in 1999 have suffered this similar fate where a section of the local press keep bashing, propagating falsehood, character assassination, unwarranted media attacks and blackmail on the Governor and a selected political appointees are busy serving such anti-media houses/outfits to protect themselves and avoid bad press from such perpetrators.
Quite unhealthy, disloyal, hypocritical, pretentious, betraying and Nicodemus alliance unheard of, it’s to me very killing, suicidal and unbecoming of any political office holder who seemingly values his meagre profile to the detriment of his boss.
Where then lies the value and optimum price of loyalty?
The same local news papers/media houses that are antagonising your boss are the ones commissioners, lawmakers and political appointees are fraternising, patronising and sponsoring their weekly productions with mouth-watering advertorials.
Most of these folks are permanently on their payroll, evidences abound to all their transactions. It’s absolutely an act of a cheap traitor.
On birthdays, child dedications and marriages of these folks, commissioners, lawmakers et al go all out with a show of presence and multiple presents ranging from cash gifts, cows, sponsorship of such events and even paying of bride price.
Isn’t it on the contrary oiling the guns, arsenal and rocket media missiles to run down the government you are feeding fat from?
Then you begin to wonder, “who are the commissioners among others working for!”
You patronise an opposition journalist to protect yourself and attack the Governor who appointed you, does it make sense at all?
You sponsor their wedding parties, birthdays and other social events and pay them heavily in addition to newspaper advertorials.
You appear clean, decent, good and innocent in their myopic eyes but the same people are mudslinging your boss who appointed you to empower them.
Is it really fair? Time to purge our conscience! Your fellow colleagues who are striving to defend and uphold the principles of this administration, come to you for assistance, and all you could offer is nothing but you are ready to feed fat on the opposition.
All this sums up to make the opposition press more lucrative than loyalty.
Quite discouraging to others who are striving, toiling and sacrificing their all to projecting the lofty image, achievements and successes of this administration.
The monkey should not be dutiful while the baboons feast on our toiling blood.
It is obvious, glaring yet too sad that opposition newspapers get mouth-watering ads, interviews, and bad news (news against government).
This is all they return in exchange of our lavishing gifts in protection of a few.
They are patronised by both opposition and government officials hence the large scale sales and “obvious” popularity.
CHEAP REASON: Some government officials give reason of heavy and massive readership for patronising opposition media.
You render the media managers of government vulnerable and likely scapegoat for not towing the line of
other government officials in patronising them.
This bunch of hate press should be kept at arm’s length, they don’t, in no way, mean no well oooooo.
The worst enemy is the one that stems out from the womb. Let’s not be a cog in the wheel of our progress!
Source: Akwa Ibom Objective Media Watch 2017
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