Secrets (Episode 16) "Awww. I'm glad you've really accepted this baby as yours. I love you my King" - Sirealsilver

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Secrets (Episode 16) "Awww. I'm glad you've really accepted this baby as yours. I love you my King"

The journey began, Tonia took all the necessary tests. She was healthy, fit and young. She should have no problem carrying the baby to term.

Usman was torn. He didn't know what to do about the sperm issue.
There was Akeem on one hand, he was ready to donate his sperm, that way, the child is a Danladi through and through. But Usman wasn't sure how he felt about that. Would he see the child as Akeem's or his? 

Would he feel grateful to Akeem or jealous of him? While raising his child? Would he feel comfortable signing legal documents preventing Akeem from telling anyone about the arrangement and from claiming the child in the future?
On the other hand, if they use a stranger's sperm, would the child have any resemblance to their family? 

What if the child inherits a bad trait or disease from his blood line?

He was confused. He had to make a decision, and fast too.

Tonia was either excited or exhausted most days. The plaza had been completed, her spa equipment had arrived, awaiting installation, the documentations for the new house just came through finally, their property manager was in the process of giving both the house and office/shop spaces out for rent. Her account balance was growing.

The house she was building in her village was close to completion too.

What's more, her dream of becoming a mother was getting closer to reality by the day.
Life was good.
Usman eventually decided they should use Akeem's sperm.

"So you've decided to use the navigator's sperm. You know I'm the most good-looking amongst us. The baby would be a charmer." Akeem teased his brother.

"This is a serious matter Akeem, not one of your flings. You know I won't be doing this if I had a choice." Usman said sullenly.

"I'm sorry. I'm just trying to lighten the mood.

The insemination was successful at the first trial and in a month, Tonia was confirmed pregnant.
Usman dotted on her, especially during the first trimester. She had serious morning sickness and suffered from dehydration and light headedness.
Usman wouldn't allow her do anything.
She wasn't allowed to leave the bedroom for days at a go. Tonia felt smothered sometimes.

Even Mrs Danladi was nice. She also brought some of her friends to visit her pregnant daughter in law. She wanted them to see for themselves that Tonia was carrying her grandchild.

"Usman, it's 8am already. You should be at work. I am going to take my bath and head to the spa now."

"What? With this huge tummy? You can't be going out everyday. You need to rest. Remember what the Doctor said at the last ante natal appointment. You need to rest."

"And excercise." She cut in. "I'm not an invalid babe. I can walk, so I need to work. Besides I feel trapped in this house. I've been indoors for the past two days."

"Tonia please, just be careful. I'm sure you don't want anything to happen to this baby. Take things easy."

"This is me taking things easy, slow, even. I'm glad you're so concerned about us."

"Are you kidding me? I'm going to be a father for the first time at almost forty five. I can't wait to meet my child."

"Awww. I'm glad you've really accepted this baby as yours. I love you my King."

"I love you more my Queen."

Tonia put to bed at thirty eight gestational weeks. It was a beautiful baby boy. Usman was overjoyous. The whole Danladi clan came together to celebrate his naming ceremony. 

It was a huge party. Mrs Danladi wanted the naming ceremony done at the family house. 

But Usman put his foot down and celebrated in his house.

He was named Fuhad among his other names. He was a splitting image of Usman's father.
After the birth of Fuhad, Usman recorded lots of successes in the family business. The kick off of the telecommunication arm of the conglomerate that had been delayed due to some bureaucratic trouble was achieved. 

The Danladis now had their own telecoms company.
Usman's personal real estate and development business fluorished. He got a huge contract to construct a five hundred flats state government estate.

Everything was going well. Tonia's business too was growing. She took her son everywhere and she never let him out of her sight. 

Usman got home as early as he could and he hardly travelled outside Lagos, except when it was absolutely necessary.

"Hello, I'm home, where's my son?" Usman asked.

He didn't see his family in the living room, he went upstairs and saw the nursery door open. He stepped in as 
Tonia met him at the door and signalled for him to be quiet.

Fuhad was six months and two weeks old. He had grown into a chubby, dark skinned and healthy baby. 

Always pulling at anything at sight and putting them in his mouth. He was a real handful.

"He is taking a nap. He is getting more troublesome by the day." Tonia whispered, yawning.
They both go to their room.

"Sorry Dear, you look tired. I'll give you a nice massage. Plus, I have good news."

"Really? Seems Fuhad just keeps bringing good tidings and blessings. Don't you think?"

"Yes, I do. It's good news, but I don't want to get ahead of myself yet. I was at the hospital on my way back to get the results of my routine tests. Dr. Albert certifies me fit for surgery."

Tonia jumped and hugged him. She was so happy.

"Wow. You had such great news and you came in like it's business as usual. That's the best news ever, Usman."

"That's not all, a new form of implant has been developed that can boost erection, so my sperm may not necessarily be removed. 

If all goes well, I may actually have real erections and ejaculate. But like I said, it's good news but a number of steps away."

"Really? Really? oh my God! This is the bestest news ever!" Tonia screamed.

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves babe. I don't want my hopes dashed. Let's wait for everything to go well first. Please don't tell anyone about this. I want everything to go well first."

"Everything must go well. By God's grace, all will be well. My husband will do the do." She said, giggling.

All rights reserved
Written By Tolulope Fakayode-Faniran
2nd June, 2017
Secrets (Episode 16) "Awww. I'm glad you've really accepted this baby as yours. I love you my King" Reviewed by sirealsilver on June 21, 2017 Rating: 5 The journey began, Tonia took all the necessary tests. She was healthy, fit and young. She should have no problem carrying the ba...

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