The Pattern Of Childlessness - By P. Ezekiel Atang - Sirealsilver

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The Pattern Of Childlessness - By P. Ezekiel Atang

Genesis 11:30 KJV
“But Sarai was barren; she had no child.”

I don't know about you, but I fall among the class of those who do not take things for granted. In many instances, I refuse to take things for face value, this is because I don't like to be taken unawares or be caught by surprise. 

There are two ways to avoid satan's surprises; one is by a close walk with the Holy Spirit. The scriptures say: ‘He will tell us about things to come’. 

The second way is to study trends and patterns. The Bible says we are not ignorant of the devices of the devil. If satan kills James and goes unchallenged, he would attempt to kill Peter too. 

If the enemy afflicted your mother or your aunty with childlessness and no one raised an alarm over it, he would want to create a pattern with it. The enemy would want to attempt the next person, and the next and so on.
Sarah had challenges with the fruit of the womb and it looked like it was something peculiar to her, until it passed on to Isaac. While Sarah was childless for 25 years, Isaac ended up being childless for 20 years. 

As though that was not enough, Jacob also suffered childlessness with his wife Rachel for several years too. If they had fought to end it with Abraham, it probably would have ended with them. 

Study trends in your family and then wage war against them with the word of God. The word of God happens to be the only light that darkness of any kind cannot resist or comprehend.

I want to offer you a few ways to deal with childlessness in your life as a person.
i. Build your spirit through prayer and the word: It will take the strong spirit of a man to enable him overcome his adversities. Proverbs18:14.
ii. Stay in the place of service: God is not unrighteous to forget your Labour of love. Zachariah stayed in the place of service and God met him there and blessed him with the fruit of the womb - John the Baptist. God considers forgetting your Labour of love as unrighteousness on His path, and He can never be unrighteous.
iii. Sing: Just sing and maintain an atmosphere of worship around you. Isaiah 54:1 recommends that you just sing when you have borne no children and do not know what to do about your situation. Singing brings down the presence of God into your life and situation.
iv. Declare and prophesy: Say what you want to see and what you are expecting in your life. When you speak that you are fruitful, and that you are already a father or mother, then things will begin to work to make it happen as you have declared.
You are fruitful in Jesus Name.

i. See if there is any such pattern of childlessness in your family and seek to know the cause of it.
ii. Diligently apply the four steps discussed today till you see results in Jesus Name.

-Lord I receive the grace to renew my mind to that of a fruitful person In Jesus Name


Wage war against the trends in your family, using the word of God because the word is the only light that darkness of any kind cannot resist or comprehend
The Pattern Of Childlessness - By P. Ezekiel Atang Reviewed by sirealsilver on May 12, 2017 Rating: 5 Genesis 11:30 KJV “But Sarai was barren; she had no child.” I don't know about you, but I fall among the class of those who d...

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