The Pattern Of Cause And Effect - P. Ezekiel Atang - Sirealsilver

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The Pattern Of Cause And Effect - P. Ezekiel Atang

Galatians 6:7 KJV
“Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.”

One very important truth we have to bear in mind is the fact that everything we see and experience today in our lives was caused. Nothing just happens, whether good or bad, something provoked something to happen.

This kind of understanding will make your life a whole lot easier, so you don't spend your time wondering why things are happening to you the way they are. Such reactions don't produce any results.

But if you go to God and ask Him to reveal the root cause of things to you, you will fare a whole lot better, because the right questions will give you the right answers.

The cause of most of our troubles in life is often us; the very victims of the challenges. We are where we are today mostly because of what we did, are doing, failed to do, or are failing to do.

That is how life works. Many call it the law of karma, but believers call it the law of seed time and harvest.

This is one of the ways patterns begin, especially when the cause of a challenge is a consistent practice, then you will begin to have consistent reactions that look like patterns.

On the other hand, the root causes could be external. In the sense that someone does things against you that brings about a very negative effect on your life. It may have been your parent’s actions or even the plot and actions of an enemy.

Remember the parable of the wheat and the tares? The master said "an enemy has done this"; Hence, in such cases, God has to open your eyes to see where the cause of the predicament may lie. – So, there is hope.

Since the effect, you are currently experiencing was caused, you can also cause another series of effects in your life by initiating some new actions that are calculated to produce a new series of effects - Know that every action is a seed, and every seed must yield harvests.

If you are suffering poverty, then begin to sow seeds into the kingdom and people's lives, no matter how small, and a new series of effect will dawn on you. Help people so you could be helped too.

Speak well of people, show mercy on people, even when they are obviously wrong; just do all the good you can, and there will be another kind of effect that will overtake your former experiences.
Grace to have a better life by creating new patterns for yourself in Jesus Name.


i. Make a list of things you think may have caused some negative effects in your life today.

ii. Make a list of possible things you can do consistently to reverse these effects.

iii. Pray and ask God for grace to apply yourself to these things effectively.


-Lord I receive grace to constantly do things that will cause future good for me in Jesus Name.


We are where we are today mostly because of what we did, are doing, failed to do, or are failing to do – our actions and inactions.
The Pattern Of Cause And Effect - P. Ezekiel Atang Reviewed by sirealsilver on May 11, 2017 Rating: 5 Galatians 6:7 KJV   “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” One very impor...

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