Oro Nation Leadership And Business Round Table: Now Is The Time! - Sirealsilver

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Oro Nation Leadership And Business Round Table: Now Is The Time!

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So sad we’ve found ourselves here in a place and situation where norms are no more observed and are substituted with individual choices; where representation means self empowerment and a ‘national moin-moin’ sharing opportunity.

But I am always consoled that a generation arises that will become valedictories to the ills of our society – even our beloved nation, Oro.

More saddened, I always am when I find people celebrating incompetence in government and leadership for pittance. As if God fore-knew about this set of people when he said in Hosea 4:6 “My people perish for lack of knowledge”. These sets of people, if allowed, will continue to create detraction to the development of our land.

But I know that time has come to say no to mediocrity, time to be bold enough to hold our government and leaders accountable – this, we will make possible through ethical and general reorientation of every Oronian.

Now is the time for every citizen of Nigeria, Akwa Ibom and Oro Nation to know that the government is supposed to be the people’s servant and not their masters.

Therefore, basic necessities for good livelihood of the citizenry such as good roads, schools, food and a bolstering economy must not be regarded as privilege but their RIGHT.

The time is ripe for us (in Oro Nation) to know that as uniquely ‘tiny’ as we are, there are foes out there having sleepless nights because of our existence.

There are those who hate to see any form of progression in our land. Therefore, to have a good say, in the affairs of the government, we must always send our very BEST to represent us.

We must know that we cannot measure up in strength with them as in vigor, muscular and populated energy. We must then suffice with intellectual potency.

Let us still bear in mind that this is no more time to ‘die’ for one political party or another. As I fondly say, “political party did not make man, rather, man made the political party.

So it should be man first before any political party”. Oronians need good governance; our place in the Akwa Ibom government must be decided.

We must tell them what is good for us and exactly what we want. Again, it is time to leave any form of sentiment aside if we must achieve any feat in our struggle.

If the youths are truly going to take their place as tomorrow’s leaders, then they must first take their stand on issues threatening to bleak their prospects. If we want a great future for our generation, now is the time to recalibrate it.

If we don’t, we’ll see that before even beginning to rue our own snootiness, fears, carelessness, cowardice and misdeeds, our forth-coming generation would have been piling all the blames of this world on us!

And now, it is time to tell ourselves the raw truth even in the face of tyranny from our foes and betrayal from our own siblings.

Thanks goodness for the advent of the social media which has helped us tremendously to some extent. We know however, that it is not enough.

We need to sit down and discuss openly what we have been running away from. Now is the time!

The truth needs us now than ever. We must stand by it, even if it means standing alone.

The date is 17/05/2017 (tomorrow) by 12 pm at the Oron Civic Centre.

No lover of development would want to miss this sheer opportunity for anything in the world.

Abazi ala m’ẹnyịn
Yak ẹnyịn ilagha ila
izọñ Ọrọ omu onyi ẹnyịn
yak ẹnyịn itam onyi ika
God bless Oro!
Oro Nation Leadership And Business Round Table: Now Is The Time! Reviewed by sirealsilver on May 16, 2017 Rating: 5 So sad we’ve found ourselves here in a place and situation where norms are no more observed and are substituted with individual choic...

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