Justice For Paul Chukwuma Arisa: I Dont Cry Because I Am Sick But I Cry Because I Have Always Wished I Could Ask God Why Always Me? - Sirealsilver

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Justice For Paul Chukwuma Arisa: I Dont Cry Because I Am Sick But I Cry Because I Have Always Wished I Could Ask God Why Always Me?

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We could have allowed the sleeping dog to lie since Paul Arisa didn’t finally make it but since his Uncle has refused to be fair for once to this poor boy even in death, we the privileged friends of Paul Arisa as his new family have decided to make public the little we know about Paul Arisa and his supposed guardian and 
Uncle. I am going to tell this story in the words of Paul Arisa himself.

NB; the burial of Paul Arisa is on the 10th of June 2017 in Abiriba Abia State. Pls don't just read this post, also share it let everyone know what is happening.

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In the words of Paul Arisa; most times when you see me crying, I dont cry because i am sick but i cry because i have always wished I could ask God why always me? I lived the early stage of my life like a prince as the only child of my very wealthy parents after several miscarriages, I had maids taking care of me until the worst happened when my mother died.

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My dad died when I was 4yrs and my mother when I was 8yrs, my mother taught me how to sign a signature when I was 8yrs before she died and when she died and my Uncle took me in, he called me one day in a meeting of about 8 men and asked me if i can still remember how to sign my signature and I said yes, he brought out about 7 papers or more and asked me to sign the signature which I happily did and he told me to climb upstairs.

Little did i know that then was the moment when I signed out or sold out some of the properties my late mother left for me.

I don't even want to talk about how i was being treated at home nor how i managed to go to both primary and secondary school after the death of my mother, it was another hell on earth, i even once sold pure water on the streets to feed but God knows best.

I can still remember few of the addresses i visited with my mother as the landlady then, you can still go and make your findings, ask for the original owners of these properties; No 1 medical drive Ogborhill, the current Presbyterian Church in Ehere, there is another place that looked like an Estate with several buildings in it though it was still under construction as at the last time i visited the place with my mum, I wish I can remember the address or the exact location of the buildings, around Ogborhill where we lived.

The worst i ever heard was when I discovered the address of the Doctor who was treating my mother before she died, i visited him in the quest to know more about my parents, the man was so scared to talk to me because of what my guardian my Uncle did to him, the Doctor said that when my mother was critically down, he called and asked my mother's blood brother to source for money for my mother's treatment, it was not as if my mum didn't have money but she couldn't sign her signature for money to be withdrawn from her account.

The doctor in his bid to help my mum to live went to my mum's bank and told them about my mother's health, the bank after visiting her on her sick bed released money for her treatment.

Do you know that my Uncle sued my mum's doctor for defrauding my mum his own sister even before my mum died? This was a man who refused bringing money for my mother's treatment.

All this while that i have been sick, he rarely called to check on me let alone to contribute a dime to this course only for him to appear immediately he heard that money has been raised from the Internet for my treatment, he came to take me which I bluntly refused and made him to understand that I am of age to decide for myself. I KEEP WONDERING WHAT I HAVE DONE WRONG TO THIS MAN.

FRIENDS AND FAMILY OF PAUL ARISA, this same uncle has appeared again, threatening and asking the foster Parents of Paul Arisa to account for him how they spent the money contributed for his sons treatment before anyone should start talking about burial, his son? A 27yrs old man? This was the people who took Paul in after secondary school,who saw him through the university? Took care of him with their personal funds till the public stepped in and all till his death?

We are going to share the contacts of his uncle below so that we all can jointly call or text him asking him WHAT WRONG THE POOR BOY DID TO HIM THAT HE WANTS TO FRUSTRATE HIM EVEN IN DEATH. We are also going to publish the last letter that Paul Arisa wrote to him before deciding to use the general public to raise funds for his treatment.
Justice For Paul Chukwuma Arisa: I Dont Cry Because I Am Sick But I Cry Because I Have Always Wished I Could Ask God Why Always Me? Reviewed by sirealsilver on May 22, 2017 Rating: 5 We could have allowed the sleeping dog to lie since Paul Arisa didn’t finally make it but since his Uncle has refused to be fai r ...

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