GOV UDOM EMMANUEL:When Doing The Right Things! - Sirealsilver

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GOV UDOM EMMANUEL:When Doing The Right Things!

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There's no way on the face of the earth that those who are poised,determined and committed to doing the right things can in all dimensions, ramifications and strife escape persecution and being smeared by wanton accusations, lies,dirts spew and outright unhealthy and unconstructive criticism.

Those who carry, manufacture and play the pull him down script know deep down that's the only weapon they've got stay afloat realizing you are miles ahead.

The simple truth there in surfaces that the moment such situations arise, arisen or had rose, you definitely are topping the preference scale of your arch rivals and thus he/she sees no reason, any good intentions, in anything that emanates forth of your making, effort and genuine commitment to making things turn around for good.

The projection of the enemy is usually that of evil over good tidings.

They sure at the end are less of conquerors. Victory is always certain for those who fear God,love him, do his will and abide by the guiding principles of Christian living.

For how will you be appreciated for your determined effort and zeal in building, encouraging and sponsoring hi-tech human capacity empowerment initiative by sending out young persons for various trainings in advanced medics, new/improved technological approach(ICT) when a serving colleague of yours somewhere in the middle belt, an APC state is doling out wheel barrows as an empowerment tool for his people.

My candid thought is that, I believe he has also included his children in the list, lineup and compilation of beneficiaries?

Why won't they consider nailing you on the cross when you have conceived, executed and completed a functional hybrid Toothpick, Pencils and other Allied Products Factory at Ekom Iman now running in full capacity when the APC led Federal Government through a serving Minister of Technology in a "Change Driven Administration"is now considering and projecting establishing one in 2018.

Laughable! Is it the power(electricity supply)that has improved in a greater capacity since the inception of your administration courtesy of the attention you've given to the Ibom Power Plant at Ikot Abasi.

On May 29,new improved channel feed lines that will supply uninterrupted power to strategic urban and sub-urban units will come up in high stream and will be commissioned by His Excellency.

They are calling you all manners of names as you declare that the ongoing Syringe Factory in the state is targeting a production rate of 400 million syringes yearly aside South Africa which has the biggest syringe factory in Africa, with 95million syringes a year,but the state government had already ordered eight production lines for its new factory and the equipment were expected to arrive in the state by the second week of May.

It is worthy of note that the factory is setting up very nicely and will be commissioned during the second anniversary, come May 29.

Two years quite impacting in an economy grounded, ravaged and raped by self inflicted recession due to obnoxious policies that are anti-people and off the 21st century style of leadership of powering a developing nation like Nigeria.

In all of this Gov. Udom Emmanuel has stood out showcasing credible credentials, dexterity,premium performance, determination and capacity to lead in an extraordinary dimension second to none.

Sit-home-critics, skunks and less capacity thinking street urchins will only live to see the negatives in all that is genuinely ventured into bettering the lives of AKwaibomites as they remain limited to just no edition of how far you've taken this State to.

Why won't Nsima Ekere's NDDC lay claims to all the roads completely conceived and constructed by your administration in just a spate of 24 months in office when the commission is only busy smearing the metropolitan surfaces of our once motorable roads by dropping bitumen directly on red mud, debris and digging narrow drainage paths in the name of building roads.

Most road interventions of the agency are restricted only to Uyo metropolis as if other areas are out of bounds, even then they leave those roads in worst states that they were ab initio.

Major road construction undertaken by your administration have been completed and commissioned yet the commission(NDDC)enlisted almost all of them as roads they intervened in a bit of scoring cheap political point of a man in greedy, selfish and perpetual aspiration of being a Governor.

Forgetting that leadership is of God and no amount of time you present yourself matters.

If it's not the desire of God, ain't no amount of self pursuit can see the light of the day.

They have in their kitty series and uncountable abandoned projects scattered round the Niger Delta and you have fully delivered on yours,so why won't NDDC pull out all antics to fight and diminish your strides...?

The recent rehabilitation of Abuja airport runway has degenerated into a Deep Seaport overtaken by floodwater and you have less than 2years of leadership provided a world class 2nd Runway at Ibom International Airport.

The new Secretariat Complex along Udoudoma Avenue was commissioned during your first year in office to ease accommodation issues of workers in the civil service employ, which over the years experienced lack of accommodation and office spaces.

They perceive all this gestures as acts of intimidation of little minds woven around mere complex,fear of the unknown and failure on their long drawn battle to bring you down, which they have long failed woefully.

Is it the prompt payment of salaries and allowances which since assumption of office in 2015 has been your hallmark, benchmark trademark.

The success story recorded keeps rolling in as state progress under your watch wax on phenomenal.
This is indeed an optimum pack unveiled by no other, I stand to be briefed otherwise.

With the AKwa Prime Hatchery at Ibiaku-uruan, The Cocoa/Rice Plantation and Maintenance in Ini/Ikono LGA, The completed underground drainage system along Nsikak Edouk -Udoudoma -Tropicana and Obot Idim, Reactivation of Peacock Paint Industry, The Tomatoes Revolution via AKEES, Intervention in Health related issues especially in fresh recurring memory the newly constructed Dr. Ann Ward Gynaecology Block at St. Luke's Hospital, Anua -Uyo/Erosion intervention within the premises bordering Anua, Ekpri Nsukara and Eniong Offot and the magnificent rehab of Eket-Ibeno Road built for commissioning on May, 29,2017,all of this feat, strides, sustainable development initiatives and interventions has sure pepped up your already intimidating leadership profile, prowess, ability and unrivaled credentials.

And as such we understand deeply how your rivals, enemies and those perpetual guber aspirants feel. They are like, this man won't just give up against all odds.

Your emergence in the Akwa Ibom political turf still leaves them haggling their tongue, mesmerized and pooh-pooh,when you assumed the top choice seat as the State Chief Executive.

They keep wailing and fast tracking the year 2019 as if they are in the know of what will even be the situation then,not realizing and drawing a barrier between governance and time to engage in politics. 

That remains their chronic grudge and cup of coffee in displeasure while you keep soaring like an Eagle.

For us we won't gear up to fight them on our own but we will continue to do the right things that will add a trillion value to Akwaibomites and in delivering our divine mandate promises, and allow them to fight on our behalf.

Pat Patrick Reuben is a Public Affairs Analyst writes in from Awantong in Etinan!
GOV UDOM EMMANUEL:When Doing The Right Things! Reviewed by sirealsilver on May 21, 2017 Rating: 5 There's no way on the face of the earth that those who are poised,determined and committed to doing the right things can in all...

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