2019: DAKKADA (I KINGS 4:25) - Sirealsilver

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2019: DAKKADA (I KINGS 4:25)

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I never knew Gov Udom Emmanuel lifted “Dakkada” concept from The Holy Book until I received the revelation a few days ago. I also never heard of the phrase "Sequential Logic" until Obong Victor Attah introduced it at Asan Ibibio.

He was also the one who laid the foundation for modern Akwa Ibom. He started the great reformation and restructuring of the antiquated land and opened up new settlements.

He laid the economic foundation consequent upon the abrogation of the obnoxious onshore-offshore dichotomy. Obong Attah cleared the land for modern AKS and its future prosperity. The clearing took him 8 years.

Then Sen Godswill Akpabio stepped in. He recapitulated the great reformation to uncommon transformation. He drove an extensive expansion of infrastructure; building edifices which were not common to Akwa Ibomites except those who were lucky to travel out.

He started the piling for future economic foundation by opening link roads, building new infrastructures and strengthening existing ones. In order words he laid the foundation. It took him 8 years.

Solomon was the 3rd King after Kind Saul and David his father. According to Holy Book Israel was "Land filled with milk and honey” (1 Kings 4:25). But before Solomon no one knew how this milk and honey could become a reality.

From around 950 B. C. when Solomon started his reign, his policy thrust was to lead the Israelites through the process of making the milk and honey a reality. Solomon knew only two ways. One way was for the Israelites to wait for the milk to drop like manna from heaven.

The second was for them to learn to MANUFACTURE the milk using their God given potentials. He settled for the later through industrialization. This was strange to Israelites who lived a primitive simplistic pastoral and agrarian life.

The book of Judges 5:6 captured aptly the low level of Israeli economy before Solomon. It stated that "…the highways were unoccupied, the travelers walked through byways…" This indicated that there was little opportunity for commerce beyond the simplest barter of commodities.

Akwa Ibom like Israel is a land of promise. And like Israel the land has slept peacefully on the bed of its economic potential for generations.

Although it produces about 34% of the nation's wealth its citizens like Israel would not wait anymore for the eventual milk and honey to fall from heaven.

They want to manufacture it through the able leadership of Mr. Udom Emmanuel. He is taking Akwa Ibom to a whole new direction of creativity and prosperity. Like his predecessors the people would give him 8 years.

Talking about eight, 8 is a balancing number. Survey has shown that a greater number of students make their journey from JS 1 to their first year in the university in 8 years more than any other time space.

In mathematics 8 is the first number that is a perfect cube. 8 is the number between 7 and 9. The number 7 doesn't allow itself to be put into any simple symmetrical arrangement. It is a perfect prime number which is selfishly divided by itself and the number 1.

Infact if you limit yourself to ruler and compass it is impossible to construct a regular 7 sided figure (heptagon). No wonder the drafters of Nigeria Constitution by-passed 7.

The number 9 on the other hand seems to represent the end of human imagination. It seems after the invention of the symbol of 9 there has been no other new number symbol invented.

What we have after the number 9 is a combination of other symbols or positional decimal notations. For instance 10 is one and zero.

Write any number no matter the magnitude none of its digits would be greater than 9. It possible drafters of Nigeria Constitution knew this and also avoided 9 but settled for two terms of 4 years each making 8 years.

This is the least adequate time to review the performance of any government in all fairness.

The success of Solomon cannot contain in this writing but history has it that it wasn't until around 942 BC (8 years into Solomon’s reign) did the first sign of Solomon's industrialization program yielded effect.

This followed the display of the first made in Israel goods by merchants during a Bazaar in Samaria to the surprise of Phoenicians who were the industrialists around that time.

The industrialization program of Udom’s administration has been on course. Although a lot of strides have been made in 2 years, a lot still needs to be done.

Rome was not built in a day. It is on record that the first sets of made in Israel goods mentioned above were understandably inferior to that produced by the Phoenicians and Egyptians.

And just like the first set of Chinese, Japanese and Taiwan products were ridiculed world-wide when they started.

But with time, perseverance and dedication each of these countries learnt, made mistakes, improved and moved on. So shall Akwa Ibom under the able leadership of Mr. Udom Emmanuel.

As 2019 approaches the opposition is not expected to fold its hands. Criticism must become heightened. But the problem confronting them is what to present to the people as alternative to industrialization?
Since there is none, they would only follow a pattern already recorded in the Holy Book where Solomon was criticized for his good works.

The book of 1st Kings 11 reported series of opposition to King Solomon from even insiders like Hadad who was said to be of the King’s seed.

Most notable was the report in verse 27 where the bible expressly stated that Jeroboam the son of Nebat opposed Solomon because of the good works he was doing.

Accordingly opposition would criticize and even attempt to vilify Udom for his good works. This pattern is already manifest as the days go by.

Some of those who claimed to defect from PDP would quote issues related to the last administrations as their reason since they lacked what to say against a government that is industrializing the state.

So confused is the opposition party that recently they met and decided on new zoning principle. Where would you zone industrialization program?

The fact remain that the people have been in dark political tunnel for several years with no hope of light at the end of the tunnel because of over-politicization of everything in the state.

God has raised Mr. Udom Emmanual to lead the people to see the darkness as an opportunity to drill the tunnel to bring in economic light.

Today the people are on it under a “shared mandate” with Mr. Udom Emmanuel. Therefore in 2019 Akwa Ibom people would renew their shared mandate for another 4 years to complete the work.

This is because 2019 would not just be about the next election, it would be about the next generation. It shall not be "we" versus "them"; PDP versus APC, no sir, that's for politicians. For the good people of AKS, it shall be all of us together.

It shall be the end of the paradox of fewer participations; it shall be a crusade with only one message: Dakkada “…everyman under his vine and under his fig tree…” let’s defend our divine mandate.
James Abang Writes from Atte-Okiuso Village, Urueoffong/Oruko LGA.
2019: DAKKADA (I KINGS 4:25) Reviewed by sirealsilver on May 26, 2017 Rating: 5 I never knew Gov Udom Emmanuel lifted “Dakkada” concept from The Holy Book until I received the revelation a few days ago. I also neve...

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